Monday, December 26, 2011

Interview: Carol Celico opens her heart and talks about her family

Married to Real Madrid’s mid-field Kaká, she gave an exclusive interview to “Futebol para Meninas”, sharing everything with us. Check it out!

If having a beautiful family and getting married to the man of your dreams is like having the life of a princess, Carol Celico can say she’s very privileged to have all that. But it doesn’t mean the wife of Real madrid’s mid-field Kaká hasn’t been through hard times.

Lost in her marriage at the age of 18, this girl from São Paulo was forced to move to Italy, where her husband was playing for Milan, and she had to change her whole life all of a sudden. As one of her main qualities is being determined, Carol managed to build her life, she got pregnant with Luca, her first child, and she even started a business and learned how to deal with the fame of her husband.

In her interview for Futebol para Meninas, Kaká’s girl told us about the beginning of her relationship with one of the best football players in the world, she revealed how it feels to live with a family of her own, told us more about her new DVD and left a message of love to the fans. That’s Kaká’s wife: a thousand people in one!

Futebol para Meninas: How did you meet Kaká?
Carol Celico: My mom met his dad and they introduced us.

FPM: Did you like him right away?

CC: I saw him at the airport once, he had his back to me. I was only 14, but he caught my attention.

FPM: How did you start dating? And how did he propose?

CC: We started dating after we became friends. And he proposed in Venice. He told me he had to sign something, and he asked me to go with him. One night, he took me for dinner before a meeting, and on the top of a building with a view to the city, he asked me to marry him. I said “yes” with a big smile on my face and with tears in my eyes.

FPM: What was your best moment as a couple?

CC: There were many, it’s hard to pick only one. But the birth of our children is always something we will never forget.

FPM: You call each other “Boo”. How did you get that nickname and why?

CC: We were watching Monsters, INC. and that’s how we got the nickname, there’s not an explanation for it, that’s how most nicknames are created, isn’t it?

FPM: What’s the best present he ever gave you?

CC: I like the most spontaneous ones, like a candy he knows I like or an unexpected bunch of flowers.

FPM: Have you ever had any problems with his fans or do they respect you?

CC: Never. They all respect me and not only they admire Kaká, but also all of us as a family.

FPM: Do you want to have more children?

CC: Yes, but only when the kids are older.

FPM: How would you describe yourself as a mother? What about Kaká as a father?

CC: I’m a loving, disciplined mother. He’s a present, educating father.

FPM: Who has Kaká’s personality, Luca or Isabella?

CC: I thought it’d be Isabella, because she’s very quiet, but she’s changing a lot and there’s no way to tell. Luca is more like me, he’s energetic and persistent.

FPM: If Luca decides to start a career in Football, are you going to support him? What about Bella? Feminine football is getting bigger, this could possibly happen.

CC: I’ll support them in whatever they want to do, no matter which profession they choose.

FPM: How did you feel when you had to move to Spain because of Kaká’s transference? Was it hard to get used to the new country?

CC: I get used to new situations very easily. But it wasn’t easy at all. I ended up liking Madrid very much, because it’s very similar to my hometown, São Paulo.

FPM: How is your daily life nowadays?

CC: In Madrid I dedicate all my time to the kids. There’s someone who helps me with Isabella, but Luca is 100% with me. I take him and pick him up at school, I give him a bath and take care of him. In the morning I go to the gym and work. In the afternoon I spend time with the kids.

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